My Mission
I have always been passionate about empowering women to become Health Warriors – wellness advocates for themselves and for the important people in their lives.
As a Holistic Health Expert & Educator, my mission is to help you acquire the knowledge and access the safe, natural and effective tools you need to take charge of your overall well-being. Think of me as your expert guide to charting a path towards a healthier, happier version of your true self. |
About Me
I earned a Master of Science degree in Human Nutrition at the University of Bridgeport in Connecticut, where I studied clinical nutrition from a functional medicine paradigm that includes the concept of bio-individuality and personalized care. This expertise allows me to design evidence-based wellness plans that are unique for each client and efficacious for optimal health.
I am also a Health Coach through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, a Certified Essential Oils Specialist, and have worked as a Certified Personal Trainer accredited by the National Academy of Sports Medicine. I hold a B.S. in Community Health Education from the City University of New York - Hunter College. Born and raised in New York, I recently relocated to Cincinnati, Ohio with my husband, two teenage sons and our two beloved dogs. My self-care go-to’s are reading, yoga, riding my Peloton bike (my newest passion!) and taking meditative walks in nature. |
It's been some weeks since our last session and this week I have been reviewing my notes and recalling those "light bulb" moments. I just want you to know that our sessions together have been a life changing experience. I came into the sessions expecting to become fully versed in everything healthy and nutritious to eat. For most of my life my weight had always been a major issue. What I came away with was so much more. I am now in possession of a deep and undeniable understanding of the behaviors that drive my attitude towards not only food but living in general.
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